Thursday, 19 February 2009

Favourite animals

Hi, my favourite animal is a horse, but I also like this kitten cross bunny animal thing. If you would like to see it Google image Meet Kibby the kitten and bunny. If you want to share your favourite animal then comment please. I would like to know. Here are some other CUTE animal photos.


  1. My favourite animals are dogs! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it.

  3. That "Meet Kibby the kitten and bunny" thing is so cute!!!! I like cats mostly, but that's because I have two of them, if I had a dog, mouse, hampster/gerbil I would probably like them the most. I like lots of animals, they are all so cute!

  4. The "Meet Kibby the kitten and bunny" is cute! also I have a little kitten. =)

  5. i love horses and dragons soooo much! i am going to start working with horses so i agree with you when you say they rock!
